Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
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35) Python Tutorial
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39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
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43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) 2D Graphics
2) Animation
3) Core Class
4) Database
5) Date Type
6) Development
7) File
8) Game
9) Hardware
10) Media
11) Network
12) Security
13) UI
14) User Event
Date Type
1) 4 octets in address string
2) A Base64 EncoderDecoder
3) A formatter that formats dates to show the elapsed time relative to some base date
4) A list of Boolean objects
5) A list of objects that can grow as required
6) A method to decodeencode quoted printable encoded data
7) A very fast and memory efficient class to encode and decode to and from BASE64 in full accordance with RFC 2045 br
8) Add day, Month and year to a Date
9) Add space to CSV string
10) An InputStream that does Base64 decoding on the data read through it
11) Array Iterator
12) Base 64 encode 2
13) Base64 encoding
14) Build Date Format day-of-week Short
15) Byte Array To Hex String
16) Byte Array To Int
17) Byte Convert
18) Byte Converter
19) Byte To Unsigned Int
20) Bytes to KB
21) Calculate Day Distance
22) Calculate how many days the first time is expired than second time
23) Calculate Month Distance
24) Calculate NormDiff
25) Captalize Words
26) Checks if the first parameter is after the second parameter in time
27) Checks if the first parameter is before the second parameter in time
28) Class Base64 can be used for base64-encoding a byte array andor for base64-decoding a base64-string
29) Close to a value
30) Color name and its hex value
31) Compare Arrays
32) Compare Two dates with Day value
33) Compare Two dates with Second value
34) Convenience method to convert a byte array to a hex string
35) Convenience method to convert a byte to a hex string
36) Convert a 16 16 fixed-point value to floating point
37) Convert a byte array integer (4 bytes) to its int value
38) Convert a byte array representing an unsigned integer (4bytes) to its long value
39) Convert a byte array to a boolean array Bit 0 is represented with false, Bit 1 is represented with 1
40) Convert a byte[] array to readable string format This makes the hex readable!
41) Convert a float to 16 16 fixed-point representation
42) Convert an array of 16 16 fixed-point values to floating point
43) Convert an array of floats to 16 16 fixed-point
44) Convert an array of floats to 16 16 fixed-point 2
45) Convert an integer value to its byte array representation
46) Convert date in RFC2822 and UTC strings, and to build Date from string of dates in RFC2822 and UTC format
47) Convert Date to Number
48) Convert date value in long to YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
49) Convert dates to Julian dates
50) Convert Duration to String
51) Convert From Double Array To Short Array
52) Convert From Short Array To Double Array
53) Convert Java Date To Xml Time
54) Convert string from one encoding to another
55) Convert string to bumber and convert number to string
56) Convert time in seconds to a string in 00
57) Convert varargv to List
58) Converts a string to title casing
59) Converts given byte array to a hex string
60) Converts given hex string to a byte array (ex
61) Converts time from a long to a string in a format set by the user in the phones settings
62) Count char in a string
63) Count Occurrences
64) Create Array with Unique Value
65) Create Date from timestamp
66) Create date from year, month and day value
67) Create Date from year, month, day, hour, minute, second
68) Create Timestamp
69) Date formats
70) Date To String
71) DateFormat getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat SHORT, DateFormat SHORT) format(date)
72) DecimalFormat, Maximum Fraction Digits
73) Decode Unicode Hex
74) Does Array contain a certain item
75) Dot String to Date
76) Easter Date
77) Encode To Base64
78) Equals Ignore Case
79) Fahrenheit To Celsius, celsius To Fahrenheit
80) Find two consecutive newlines in a string
81) Fixed Array List
82) Format a date into a format suitable for SQLite
83) Format Distance
84) Format Millis Into Human Readable
85) Formats a Date according to RFC822
86) Formatting and parsing the various date formats we expect to encounter
87) Four Bytes To Long
88) Generate a Calendar from ISO 8601 date
89) Generate a ISO 8601 date
90) Generate the client id, which is a fixed string of length 8 concatenated with 12 random bytes
91) Get a readable string displaying the time
92) Get a string representation of a date as it relates to the current time
93) Get Brightness, get Hex Name
94) Get Current Time
95) Get date string for Locale tr
96) Get Date String from milliseconds
97) Get Day value from Date
98) Get Elapsed Time Minutes Seconds String
99) Get end of a year
100) Get end of each day
101) Get Hex string out of byte array
102) Get hour different
103) Get Month value from Date
104) Get Moscow Time
105) Get Node value and save to ArrayList
106) Get now in Date and Millis-seconds
107) Get Set From Array
108) Get short and long date String
109) Get start date of a Month
110) Get start date of a year
111) Get start of a date
112) Get String Element Value
113) Get the end of each Month
114) Get the string of the date using format yyyy-MM-dd HH
115) Get Time Difference
116) Get Time String
117) Get Time String From Milliseconds
118) Get year value from Date
119) Gets a EEE, dd MMM yyyy hh
120) Gets a HH
121) Gets a yyyy MMM dd, HH
122) Gets the devices phone number as a String
123) Given a number, round up to the nearest power of ten times 1, 2, or 5 The argument must be strictly positive
124) Gives the fractional part of a number
125) GMT (UTC) Time Converter
126) Hex Dump
127) Hex To Decimal
128) Inspects a link Configuration through reflection API to generate a human readable String with values replaced with their constan
129) Int array to HashSet
130) Int To Byte Array 4
131) Int To String Time Format
132) Integer To Four Bytes
133) Integer To One Byte
134) Integer To Two Bytes
135) IP to String
136) Is a string a Number
137) Is Long or double
138) Iso Date
139) ISO8601, ISO8601, RFC822 Date format
140) Join a collection of strings by a seperator
141) Join an array of Strings together
142) Join Collection of String
143) Join strings
144) Line string reader in J2ME
145) ListInteger to int[]
146) Load 16 Bit PCM Raw Data File As Double Array
147) Load Resource To String
148) Load string array value from strings xml
149) Load String From Raw Resource
150) Millis To Seconds To Time Str
151) Normalise Whitespace
152) Object to String and String to Object
153) One Byte To Integer
154) Pad Front
155) Padding a string, truncate a string
156) Padding Int value
157) Padding Left
158) Parse a string that contains date, return a date object using format yyyy-MM-dd HH
159) Parse an RFC 822 date string
160) Parse Date
161) Parse Date for list of possible formats
162) Parse date in format of yyyyMMddHHmmss or yyyyMMdd
163) Parses a String for a EEE, dd MMM yyyy hh
164) Parses an RFC822 formatted date string
165) Random and Roundup
166) Random string
167) Read the photo file into a byte array
168) Remaining Time To Human Readable Form
169) Remove all blanks
170) Removes unwanted backslashes characters
171) Removes unwanted blank characters
172) Represents a date using an integer, in a similar fashion to the implementation in Microsoft Excel
173) Resize a Java array
174) Retrieve a boolean primitive type from a String
175) Return a specific raw resource contents as a String value
176) Return a subarray of the byte array in parameter
177) Return the time in ms into format MM
178) Returns a clone of the specified array
179) Returns a String representation of the content of a android view Display object
180) Returns a string representation of the given number of nanoseconds
181) Returns space padding
182) Returns the current time since 1970, local time zone, in milliseconds
183) Returns the current time since 1970, UTC, in milliseconds
184) Returns the current time since 1970, UTC, in seconds
185) Returns the ISO 8601-format String corresponding to the given duration (measured in milliseconds)
186) Returns the smallest power of two that is greater than
187) Returns the time represented by the time String
188) Returns true if the given string is null or empty
189) Returns true if the string does not fit in standard ASCII
190) Reverse an array
191) Reversing String
192) RFC3339 Date
193) Scale, round Number
194) Search char in a string from a starting position
195) Shorten text for display in lists etc
196) Shows creating text with links from HTML in the Java code, rather than from a string resource Note that for a
197) Simple Tokenizer
198) Space trim
199) Split a String by a Character, i e Split lines by using n
200) Split and combine by token
201) Split By Space
202) Split By Space and save result to a List
203) Split Camal Case
204) Split first with
205) Split the string into an array of strings using one of the separator in sep
206) Split with
207) String Capitalizer
208) String fast Split
209) String resource
210) String to Date
211) String to Hex
212) String to Map with token
213) StringBuilder Writer
214) Tests if a string is blank
215) Tests if a string is numeric, i e contains only digit characters
216) Tests if an integer is power of two
217) Tests two arrays for equality
218) The month, and just the month, is zero-based Add 1 for display
219) Thread based Timer
220) Time From Local Millis
221) Timer task
222) TimeSpan class
223) Timestamp to Local time in long
224) Timestamp to UTC
225) Title Name Parser
226) Tokenizer Utils
227) Tokenizer Why Because StringTokenizer is not available in J2ME
228) Transforms a list of Float values into an array of float
229) Trim char from string
230) Truncate by length
231) Two Bytes To Integer
232) Unsigned Byte To Int
233) Using android util SparseArray
234) Using Timer to do repeat task
235) Utilities for encoding and decoding the Base64 representation of binary data
236) Utility class for formatting and parsing the various date formats we expect to encounter
237) Utils for calculating sleep time
238) Value equals in a range, and ensure value inside a range
239) Write Date to AudioTrack
240) Writer implementation that outputs to a StringBuilder
241) Yyyy-MM-dd HH